BEST Pill Box: 3 Best Selling Pill Boxes To Organize Pills

Want to organize pills?  You probably noticed there are a gazillion choices of pillboxes and pill organizers.  We did the research for you so you don't have to feel overwhelmed by all the choices and we found the 3 BEST Pill Organizer Boxes on the market today.  

DIY Independence and Peace of Mind

Invented by Kathi Sitek and her 90 year old mother Stella, the Pill Pouch, gave them both the peace of mind that Stella was taking her prescriptions, vitamins, supplements and over-the-counter medications correctly.  The Pill Pouch allowed Stella to maintain her independence and live at home.  The Pill Pouch was there for Stella every day even when Kathi couldn't be.  

The Pill Pouch is a visual medication list Stella used daily to guide her in knowing which medication to take and when.  Weekly she used it to set up her 7 day pill organizer.  Stella took it with her to routine doctor visits so doctors could easily see which medications she was on.  And finally, in case of an emergency paramedics or ER staff had a quick and complete reference of all Stella's medication.  We are 100% made in Michigan!


We got to thinking...ever since Kathi and Stella created what we know today as the Pill Pouch, we have been trying to help more people like Stella and families like ours.  

It got us thinking what are we really selling.  We aren't peddling a product.  The Pill Pouch wasn't a thing, it represented so much more.  For Stella it was INDEPENDENCE. PEACE OF MIND. CONTROL. For Kathi it was providing CONFIDENCE. WORRY-FREE. HELP when she couldn't be there to help.   

We started launched a new series of images that will attempt to depict what we are providing.  Our health and the health of our loved ones is full of emotions let us know what you think and what emotions you have wrestled with caring for a loved one both positive and challenging. 

How to organize medications in 4 easy steps

Today many of us take a number of prescriptions, medications, vitamins and over the counter.  It can be stressful trying to keep track of all these medications and what they are for. 

  1. Make a list - this is the start of getting control of your medication.  Make a list of all prescriptions, vitamins, supplements and over-the-counters (like aspirin).  Write not only the name but WHY you are taking them and WHAT condition they treat.  Knowledge is power and knowing this information can empower you to be in control.  Take a piece of paper and make the following columns across the top (name, dosage, why do I take this, what condition, instructions).  Or you can go to and download a med list form for FREE.  Or get our Pill Pouch  which is durable and easy to update and includes a place to put a sample of your actual pill for visual reference.  A med list can also serve as a daily guide when taking each medication and help you set up medications for the week. 
  2. Use a pillbox - or some inexpensive tool to organize medications for the week.  This helps avoid forgetting to take medication because each day has all the pills for that day.  Here is the best seller on Amazon
  3. Create a routine - many people we have met with use their daily activities to ensure they take their medication.  Example: Putting morning pills by the coffee maker or next to their toothbrush.  Put evening medications near the remote where they turn on Jeopardy at 7pm.  This can help make taking prescriptions routine and improve your overall health.  Once you do it tell us about  your routine or suggestions. 
  4. Review your medications - many people are taking more medications then they should.  MORE medications = more COST, more CONFUSION and more DANGER.  Take your medication list to your local pharmacist or your primary doctor.  Once you have a list, its easier for them to see all the medications you are being prescribed and they can better help you eliminate unnecessary prescriptions and identify possible counteractions.  Don't forget to include all vitamins, supplements and over-the-counters.  

We have created a free simple scorecard you can download here to help you get control of your health and medication.